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Why this Blog?

There are hundreds of blogs on Architecture and Interior Design and one would presume that all the information needed can be found on the internet. As much as it is true, it is painfully difficult.

A needle in a hay-stack

A hundred posts later on Pinterest and a hundred more on Instagram, just like most people, you might still be confused about what you really want. All the pictures look awesome. I could do this! I could do this too! Probably I should check for more ideas on YouTube next!

More ideas, more images, more this, more and more than that! If you are surfing on the internet, you are in for a ride because that is what it is built for: a repository of data you can filter to find what you want to see. But if that filter is as vague as “home design ideas” then we feel sorry as you are about to waste a lot of your time.

There are several blogs on what different finishing materials & furnishings look like, what aspects of appliances you should consider before buying but these are manifestations of What you like. We haven’t yet come across a blog that helps you understand Why you like it. Why you like something has its roots way beyond the scope of design.

“What follows Why”

What you want is the result of Why you want it. We will start with the basics and then move to more complex thoughts. Again, the aim here is to help you understand these concepts which will help you ‘filter’ your thoughts so that you can think with utmost clarity how your home should be!
