Why do we like something?
What you desire today relates to your past environment. Understanding this can yield Immense Clarity to the design of your Dream house! Learn how.
We already know what we like. We don’t have to think about it. It comes naturally to all of us! But then we change our opinions and like something else. This is something that happens frequently when you are expecting something that relies on creativity such as architecture, choice of clothing or your company logo. But, amongst these options, architecture is a high stakes endeavour. You might be spending a lot of money and hence should be very sure before you do so.
Once you know why you like what you like, your mind can make peace and accept it for what it’s worth. A person who has spent his life in clutter is highly likely to love straight lines. Almost all people living in small dingy urban apartments love the words ‘open’, ‘spacious’ & ‘sunlight’.
“People like what they aspire for”
But the answers to people’s aspirations might have deeper and older reasons. Past experiences, relationships, memories, etc both positive and negative, profoundly impact what we want in life. Once you have understood these reasons, you will become very clear about what you want! This will not just help you but will also help your architect to conceptualize your expectations better.
One of the reasons to write this article is to stress the importance of how unique your desires are. Reflecting on the past does yield the direction for the future. Building a home around your aspirations will certainly have a positive impact on you and provide some space to rest from the banalities of everyday life.